Monday, May 25, 2009

What are the usual duties for a Registered Safety Officer

Perhaps you might be asking "what are the usual duties as a Registered Safety Officer?" Well, the duties different from industry to industry.
  1. Construction industry required the safety officer to double up as a Environment Control Officer (ECO)
  2. Shipyard industry required the safety officer to double up as a Safety Assessor (Hot work assessor)
  3. Manufacturing industry required the safety officer to double up as a Fire Safety Manager (FSM)

These are a few additional requirements/certification that you might want to consider to upgrade in order to fit into the employment criteria. All these courses can be found in our local education institution. ECO will be from NEA-SEI, Safety Assessor can be found in NTUC Learning Hub & FSM course can be found in Singapore Civil Defence Academy. I'd created a link at my homepage. Feel free to use them anytime.

Just my personal point of view, although it's important to have the relevant certificates to help getting yourself laid with a career, you might also like to consider getting auditing skill to escalate your chance further. Especially with recent increase number of company being certified with ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001, it'll be beneficial to had gone thru some basic audit training.

Yes... ultimately, you will be spending some amount of money to upgrade yourself. It aren't cheap. Trust me. No pain no gain.