Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New WSQ Forklift Operator Course - source from WSH Bulletin

New WSQ Forklift Operator Course from 1 Oct 2009

Currently, any person who operates a forklift is required to complete the Forklift Driver's Training Course which at present is accredited by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). From 1 October 2009, the WSQ 'Operate Forklift' Competency Standard will replace the Forklift Driver's Training Course, which will cease to run wef 30 September 2009.

The new WSQ Operate Forklift Competency Standard was developed by the the industry and facilitated by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA), MOM and the Workplace Safety and Health Council. This industry-endorsed standard provides a competency-based approach to training forklift operators. Trainees have to demonstrate their skills and knowledge proficiency before they are considered as qualified forklift operators.

Accreditation is put in place to ensure that the course is delivered by quality training organisations using qualified trainers and assessors. It also ensures that the approved course satisfies the competency requirements of the WSQ system and appropriate delivery modes are used. Approved Training Organisations (ATOs) are also required to continuously improve the quality of the design and delivery.

The new WSQ 'Operate Forklift' course will be offered by ATOs accredited by WDA. Existing forklift operators who have already completed the Forklift Driver's Training Course accredited by MOM will continue to be considered as qualified forklift operators.

For more information on the WSQ Operate Forklift Competency Standard, please click link.