Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Assessment of heat stress level & Incident cost calculator - WSH Bulletin & WSH Council

2 Jun 2010

Some info to share...

Assessment of Heat Stress Levels
Workers who are exposed to extreme heat or work in hot environments may be at risk of heat stress. If not properly managed, heat stress can result in heat disorders such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, or heat cramps. The symptoms and treatment of heat disorders and the preventive steps to minimise their occurrences were described in an earlier WSH Bulletin.
To effectively manage heat stress, it is important for employers to determine the level of thermal stresses that workers are exposed to. This Bulletin provides detailed information on the assessment of thermal stresses associated with work in a hot environment using the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Index.

Did you know...?

Incident Cost Calculator
You can use the Incident Cost Calculator to understand the true cost arising from a workplace incident. By fillling in the various fields, you will be presented with an estimate of the direct costs and indirect costs of injuries and incidents. For help on using the ICC, please refer to the user guide here.